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gecko racing…

plant love…

My lil Kukui tree...

pretty cotton tree flower.


Camping in wonderland (aka the Kava Farm) for earth dance….super magical…as is tradition. PS yay for hula hoops.

around the fire circle...lights in the trees

our tent is down the magic path

Crispy gettin down with his torch.

playing with a hula hoop and some flashlights...

Ricardo and I did this one together. LOVE!

passing on the fire...

dream catchers on the cliffs.

on the way home from camping, we found our magic beach again!

Iris Eve

Iris Eve is an amazing warrior goddess who lives on Sumland. She brings truth and spirit with her words, she makes beautiful music with some great musicians. I got some shots for Iris and her band at the Hilo Bay Front Kava Bar on the full moon. It was a blessed night. Check out her music at http://www.reverbnation.com/irisevemusic

Beautiful Family and the Full Moon








































Snow in Canada!

Ohmdala Kids
























Nature love.

















































Bonnie and her baby.






































































Earth Dance Hawaii


An amazing festival. We were Queen and King for a weekend, learning about our people, loving, laughing, being taken care of in amazing ways. Our kingdom is amazing.

Tiny Baby Gecko


he looks like a dinosaur

Truckbed Paintings

Hitchhiking with my Ricardo and my sweet brother Kai. Painting and loving and seeing light everywhere…

The first look…

I forgot to post this picture. When Ricardo and I first got to the Island and had our first day off work we went to the beach. We just went, we had to find water. We had been in Hawaii a week and had not seen the ocean! So we hitchiked down volcano and got dropped off in Pahoa. We walked threw the town to the last stop light and hitched toward the beach…our ride told us that we needed to head to Kahania beach, he said there were people like us there. We were dropped off in the middle of Mango Drive, a curvy one lane road threw huge mango trees and jungle. It was beautiful, but we still had no idea where we were or how far we had to go. We walked for a long time, got a short ride and than walked some more. Our first taste of the ocean was when the road finally curved by the water and we ran threw the palm trees to the beach. we only stayed for a few minutes so we did not miss our ride, but we touched the water and saw the breath taking coast. We did finally make it to Kahania, played in the waves, and met some good people. It is now ‘church’, we go to the drum circle every sunday, enjoy the sun, waves, kids, and amazing brothers and sisters, share beautiful food from our land, and listen to the drums. Blessed.

a few more shots from the walk…

The moon is real.

Slow waves

This is at the beach 2 miles from our farm. A long exposure of the amazing waves on the lava rock by the hot pond…

…and can I just say that my lenses are SO dirty. This is getting ridiculous…

special trip to the black sands.

After the rain…

Our farm is full of beautiful things…

Camping with the turtles.

We went camping at a little black sand beach past the volcano. Ricardo found an amazing camp site on a lava rock cliff. You could see miles of beach in front of us, and beautiful mountains behind us. we spent all day Wednesday layin on the beach with some amazing green sea turtles. It was perfect.

Ginger Ridge…

Hawaii is the place. Our home. We arrived on June 16th in Kona. We took the bus to Hilo and got a ride to the farm from there. We live and work at Ginger Ridge Farms. We are working very hard, learning alot, and making a beautiful place for the kids. We got to the hanger in the middle of the night, we found ourselves in a huge shop full of Thai art. Statues and fountains everywhere. It was beautiful….\

Ashburn Photography….in Hawaii

Its been awhile since i posted anything. I have been on the road with my partner, we have limited internet access and I dont have Photoshop anymore…..We are now on the big island of Hawaii, and we started a blog (Ohmdala on the Road) to tell everyone about our adventures. I wanted to add more pictures to our adventure stories so I decided to start updating Ashburn Photography’s blog….I hope you enjoy the new work…please comment, leave suggestions, and big big love and hugs from the island




Just breath.

Chi Town Bridges

Our neighbor Toadaro!
